Healing the Past - Coming Soon

Is there a shadow from your past that blocks true joy from filling your life? Are you being impacted by deeply buried pain, inner conflict or trauma from the past that hasn’t fully healed? Perhaps you’re a victim of physical, mental or sexual abuse, or a bystander victim of traumas that impacted your entire family. Despite your best effort to ‘move on’ and live a happy life, there may be a silent, buried pain that keeps you from fully connecting with those around you and with life itself.

From Darkness to Light

As winter turns to spring, a group will gather at a beautiful lakeside resort in Muskoka to take a personal journey. In a comfortable, gentle and supportive environment, participants will be guided through a series of meditations, writing exercises and quiet periods to process the pain of the past. Although the healing journey is a private one and no one will be asked to share their personal story, the group will connect through wisdom circles, live music, and delicious meals. The healing process will culminate Saturday evening with a transformational release ceremony followed by a drumming circle by the fire (weather permitting). Sunday morning will start with a labyrinth walk and continue with a closing circle before we return to our ‘regular’ lives, feeling lighter and more filled with joy.

If you feel called to heal from your past and begin to live more fully, please join us.


Meet Your Facilitators:

Jo-Anne Soepboer

Jo-Anne Soepboer Opens Hearts and Changes Lives

A gifted spiritual intuitive and licensed metaphysical minister, Jo-Anne has worked with shamans from several traditions, awakening her own wisdom in the process.

She began facilitating retreats almost 20 years ago after a remarkable recovery from Fibromyagia.

She has helped countless people bring healing to their body, mind and spirit through retreats, classes and private consultations.

After returning to a career as a business consultant a number of years ago, she is now answering the call of her heart once again to focus on helping people on their healing journey.


Debbie Long

Debbie Long Brings Healing Through Music

A certified sound healer, spiritual life coach and Reiki practitioner, Debbie ‘found her voice’ in a miraculous experience after the death of her young son Christopher. Her first CD, called “Sing Mom, Sing” was produced in his honour and she’s currently working on her second CD.

Debbie was a vocalist with the spiritual band Song Dreamer for five years before becoming the music director for Unity Church of Mississauga.

She has performed at numerous retreats, churches and conferences, including the American Gold Star Mother’s conference in Washington, DC.


Our Schedule:

Registration will open on Friday evening at 6pm.

Opening ceremony will begin at 7pm.

Closing ceremony will end on Sunday at noon.


What to Bring to the Retreat

Bring a warm coat for the outdoor fire ceremony.

Bring a drum, tambourine, or shaker if you have one. If you don’t have one, don’t worry – we’ll have some available. If you prefer to just listen to the music, that’s okay too.

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